Calligram + Poster


Project Mentor

Sambit Kumar

Project Duration

3 weeks



This project involves the creation of a calligram, I will be using movie/series titles to create a unique visual art piece. Try to express which tries to convey the emotion/ certain scene of the movie within its titles through the visual design, I hope to create a design that conveys meaning/ captures the essence of the films.

Parasite, Ocean, Memento, Night crawler, Southpaw and Spirited away.

On the movie everything happens in the underground so I used “E” to visually show the steps.

The movie main story comes with only girls, so I visually given a women gender icon on the title.

Visually representing the boxing glove in the typography.

The movie is set entirely at night, so I used a dark black background in the title design to reflect its video reporting theme.

The letter ‘i’ look like a ghost character called ‘Kaonashi.

Visually representing the polaroid photos which plays a significant part in the movie.

Rich & Poor

Flash light

Colour + black and white

Boxing Punching Bag + Boxing Glove

Alcohol Bottle + Alcohol glass

Yubaba, Kaonashi, Aogaeru and Pig

Female gender + Necklace